Beautiful Day on the Oregon Coast

Mary Hicks
2 min readOct 29, 2020

Well, this is my fourth full day in Florence, OR. So far, I haven’t really felt adjusted on this trip. Every place I go, I’m visiting for the first time so there’s always an adjustment period where you sit back and take in the local culture. You take note of the way people talk and act and even dress to see how far away from your “normal” things are. When I got here, though, it all felt very familiar. Small coastal town with local shops and restaurants — my specialty!

I woke up to my heater not working. At first I was very annoyed because it really seems like it’s one thing after the next with these travel trailers (which it is) but the thing about being alone is is that it does absolutely no good to complain. Instead I made coffee, fed the cats (obviously the opposite order) and did a bit of research. I ended up diagnosing the problem and fixing it in about 10 minutes and viola, I have heat. Not that it’s that cold, but I like a little blast of warm air in the morning.

Today I drove 45 minutes from my campsite to a trail (Sweet Creek Trail) that was about two miles along a creek with nearly 10 different waterfalls! I hit it at the perfect time, too. The sun was coming over the mountain and creating cool shadows on the water.

The trail itself was pretty easy but I did manage to lose my lens cap in the water trying and then almost fell in trying to grab it.

The one thing that makes me uncomfortable about this place is people’s fear of the corona virus here. I passed a small family today, maybe 5 people, and they way they all huddled together and turned away from me as I passed, without saying a word to one another, felt extremely uncomfortable. Big 1984 vibes. It scares me that the government has this much control over people. Another lady yelled at me for not wearing a mask on the trail the other day. It’s absolutely crazy. Did everyone miss the news that UV light kills the virus instantaneously? And it’s not as air born as they thought. It’s not even possible to transmit the virus to someone 6 feet away from me outside unless I spit in their mouth, which would be very impressive at 6 feet.

Anyways. After the hike I stocked up at the dollar tree and came back to my little home. My roof vent came loose so I climbed up there to fix it with the screws, duct tape, and E6000. Good as new.
Overall, another happy day.



Mary Hicks

Solo female traveler with two cats and a trailer