__ miles until empty my ass

Mary Hicks
2 min readOct 31, 2020


I left Florence today. It was dreary and raining outside so it felt like an appropriate day to leave. On the way out I stopped back at the car repair place and the nice guy showed me how to adjust my break controller. He really was nice. Gave me a few useful tips and then I was on my way. I do wish I didn’t spend my last day in the area in a waiting room, but that’s neither here nor there.

The drive was easy and the cats were better than they have been. Roo still makes herself herd ever 20 or 30 minutes, though. She comes right up to me, looks me dead in the face, and then lets out this cackle of a meow to express her disgust with being in a car. Kanga didn’t really make a peep this time but was very happy to get out and explore when we got to our destination.

I drove though an area that had been burned by one of the horrific forest fires Oregon had. It was sadder than I thought it would be. Mile after mile of burned down houses where properties are littered with debris and only chimneys remain. I almost didn’t go that route because google maps said it would be longer, but for some reason I decided to and I’m glad I did. It really made an impact on me and I couldn’t help imagine how horrible it would be to not only lose your entire home, but have to look at the ashes of its remains on a daily basis and be reminded constantly what you once had. It seems people are just living in campers on their properties.

I had my first “almost run out of gas” experience. My car said I had 18 miles to empty and the nearest gas station was 25 miles away. The roads were very hilly as well so my gas mileage was even worse that usual. I did make it to the gas station and looked in my car manual only to find out that I still had TWO gallons left. lies. I could have driven another 25 miles! They make people panic for no reason!

I am in Bend, OR at a free campsite. It’s a big forest area that you’re allowed to just park in and stay for as long as you’d like that’s very close to downtown Bend. I’m excited because their is a lot to do here!

This camping area is HUGE and yet someone decided to camp like right next to me so that’s a little strange but whatever. They’re having a fire, too which always worries me because I don’t want my home to burn down. I’m sure it will be fine.



Mary Hicks

Solo female traveler with two cats and a trailer